Serious Business Game for developing resilience
Gamified Training for developing resilience
Thriving in the face of adversity
Discover techniques for turning setbacks into opportunities for growth.
Gamification Storyline: In this Serious Business Game Training, you take on the role of Billy, who is surprised by the news of an impending acid rain. Billy is out of town at the time, so he must seek refuge in a communal bunker with five strangers.
Once there, he has to face his own fears, the complications of living together and the frustration of being separated from his wife indefinitely. The situation reactivates painful memories and brings Billy to the limits of his resilience. He must now learn to use his personal resources to grow and emerge stronger from the experience.
Learn alongside Billy to master stressful situations with confidence and turn them into opportunities for growth.
The training Lotus is currently available in the following languages: English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Greek.
Approximate training duration: 1 hour 45 minutes