Flat-Fee Serious Business Games

How does it work?

  1. Every employee, participant can use all existing Serious Business Games for training, Flat-Fee
  2. Receive up to 150+ CPE, Continuous Professional Education Points annually
  3. Each training participant needs his own training licence, 1 training licence for 1 person.
  4. This offer is valid for orders placed until 06. December 2021, as long as the call-off quota is sufficient, First Come First Serve
  5. The invoice amount can be paid either in January 2022 (as forward) or in 2021, more information in personal advise
  6. Invoices will issued plus VAT or in EU countries based on reverse charge procedures without VAT
  7. Subscription period for 12 months.

Watch here the film of Africa Going Live | Revolutionizing learning in Internal Audit

Max. till 6th December 30% discount

Direct use cases from different companies | more than 398.000 End-user in 12 languages trust us in daily training (Oct. 2021)

Take full advantages for you and your company | Black Friday

This is NOT a final contract, this is a first order indication for further conversations.
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