Flat-Fee Serious Business Games

How does it work?

  1. Every employee, participant can use all existing Serious Business Games for training, Flat-Fee
  2. Receive up to 150+ CPE, Continuous Professional Education Points annually
  3. This offer is valid for orders placed until 30. November 2021, as long as the call-off quota is sufficient, First Come First Serve
  4. Partial payments can be made monthly or the entire invoice amount can be paid either in 2022 (as forward) or in 2021, more information in personal advise
  5. Price per month per participant, invoice can be issued monthly or annually, plus VAT or in EU countries based on reverse charge procedures without VAT
  6. Subscription / subscription period min. 12 months

Autumn 2021

Overview: 3 types of Serious Business Games are available to you:

  • Finished trainings Business Games for: Pacific (leadership + team coordination), Merchants (negotiation and communication training, especially sales), Triskelion (time and productivity management), 2100 (customer service and customer-centric processes) and much more
  • Content customizable: 2100 (customizable customer dialogues and learning content), ADA (content completely individual), ECHO, CRYPTO
  • Content and game story fully programmable: MARS perpetual Crowd Intelligence Game, from 2020 more modular programmable Business Games
  • Your completely new and individual business game: Since 2020, we also carry out individual productions based on our new modular programming approach | Contact us directly.

Overview price model

… less than 100 training licenses? Ask us, we support you with the right setting and an individual offer!

Direct use cases from different companies

Overview: Available Serious Business Games

  • CRYPTO | IT-SECURITY and defence against social engineering risk
  • AQUA | Positive and targeted feedback
  • ECHO | Effective coaching
  • PARADISE | Anti Money Laudering
  • IDEA | More creative solutions
  • SAHARA | Optimal tasks Delegation and team coordination
  • COUNTDOWN | Remote Team Management
  • CHOCOLATE | Inspire for ideas and goals
  • CHRISTMAS | More resilience and assertiveness
  • 2100 | Improved customer service
  • MERCHANTS | Practical and goal-oriented negotiation & communication (most popular training among sales people, 130,000 end users in 8 languages)
  • ADA | Artificial IntelligenceYour Business Game Training
  • PACIFIC | Team management and employees motivation
  • TRISKELION | Personal productivity and time management
  • MARS | Effective knowledge management


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