Smart Learning | National Austria Audit Championship 2021

Effective Audit Knowledge in a World of Digital Transformation | Great Finish Austria 07. May 2021

3 Award categories: 1) MVP, 3 best auditors, 2) The 3 best teams, 3) Qualification for the National Team | i.e. each auditor can also participate individually as a single person | More info and FAQs [Access with: GO-EURO2021! ]
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MVP Ranking

  1. Thomas Mitscha, ASFINAG
  2. Simon Schwarz, Oesterr. Kontrollbank
  3. Peter Jehly, Oesterr. Kontrollbank
  4. Stefan Kolev, Flughafen Wien AG
  5. Gerhard Schwan, Flughafen Wien AG

Team Ranking

  1. Oesterreichische Kontrollbank
  2. Flughafen Wien
  3. Mixed Team VIG + A1 Austria AG
  4. VIG Vienna Insurance Group 2
  5. Team TT Universitäten

Final results of the Austria Audit Championship! Photos Award Celebration. | Watch 5 Min. Overview European Audit Championship